Artistic Director’s Comment


Creativity is more than just an idea.

Seabrook and Studio One regard creativity as a way of life.


Most art classes emphasis skills. Yes we do that but first you have to have a reason so we also talk about art, its meaning and importance. ART IS ABOUT FAR MORE THAN REPRODUCTION, it is about questions not answers. Artists are the diarists of their time and here in Studio One I fervently hope you too will become a diarist with questions. That is where our emphasis lies. Artistic skills of painting and sculpting follow when needed so not to worry, we are here to help. Unquestionably everyone gains new skills here.

There are many ways to approach the teaching and mentoring of art, ours is generally considered different if not heretical. The surprise is not so much what each person did here, but what they took away. When this happens we have done well and perhaps you will return to show us recordings made in objects and words. This, after all, is what art has always been about. The artist does not tell us, instead they show us.

There is no judgment in Studio One other than the obvious. There is no right way or wrong, there is only individual sight, sound and reaction. Paul Cézanne showed us this 150 years ago but then too it was present long before on the walls of caves like Altamira.


Welcome to a long, noble, and curious journey.


Artistic Director, Studio One At Seabrook


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